Monday, January 12, 2009

Short Trip to Washington

On Saturday night, We drove as a family, up to Washington to visit my cousin Celia. Her baby shower was Sunday and we had fun visiting and helping with everything. Just a few more weeks till she'll have a different kind of sleepless night. Allegra is getting so big,and she is saying a few words now. Those dogs of theirs are a trip. The tall one covers them both with a blanket and can't rest until they are completely covered, it is hilarious to watch. The kids had fun and always love to see family. Thanks for having us Goodrich Family. We love you and hope to see you again soon when baby ? comes.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Green Apple Shampoo!

So tonight while half of the family was in the living room, the other half was in the girls room playing (so we thought). Alejandro was helping himself to Emilio's undiscarded bathwater. He dumped a whole bottle of shampoo in to the bath and proceeded to enjoy this very bubbly bath while fully clothed and diapered. I took a quick video of the mess with my camera, so it's not the greatest quality, but at least we captured one of the never ending escapades of the Ziolkowski boys.