Monday, January 12, 2009

Short Trip to Washington

On Saturday night, We drove as a family, up to Washington to visit my cousin Celia. Her baby shower was Sunday and we had fun visiting and helping with everything. Just a few more weeks till she'll have a different kind of sleepless night. Allegra is getting so big,and she is saying a few words now. Those dogs of theirs are a trip. The tall one covers them both with a blanket and can't rest until they are completely covered, it is hilarious to watch. The kids had fun and always love to see family. Thanks for having us Goodrich Family. We love you and hope to see you again soon when baby ? comes.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Green Apple Shampoo!

So tonight while half of the family was in the living room, the other half was in the girls room playing (so we thought). Alejandro was helping himself to Emilio's undiscarded bathwater. He dumped a whole bottle of shampoo in to the bath and proceeded to enjoy this very bubbly bath while fully clothed and diapered. I took a quick video of the mess with my camera, so it's not the greatest quality, but at least we captured one of the never ending escapades of the Ziolkowski boys.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Audio Books on my IPod

One of the reasons I have been wanting and Ipod for so long is because it would help me to be more efficient and productive around the house, for example, I could listen to motivating music while doing house work, talks from general authorities, books that I've been wanting to read but never could without completely neglecting my domestic duties. So I went and earned my very own IPod Touch. It's the best little Gadget ever. I can get on the internet with it too. I can even download lessons from the new Nursery Manual and listen to them, It's fabulous. I have listened to 12 books in the past month. I download my books from Audible, then they import into Itunes. I am discovering tons of new books, and my second favorite author right now is Orson Scott Card. Right now I am listening to his book Enchantment.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

This year in Review

So I thought to start my blog I would recap some of the highlights of our year.


  • Greg and I went to Las Vegas for his Lexus trip, everything was paid for and we stayed at the Palms. It was a great trip except for the fact I sprained my ankle and hobbled for the next two days. We stayed with our friends Dax and Sara as well. It was the first time I had left Alejandro. He was 17 months.


  • I was present for the birth of my new adorable little nephew Anthony Jr.
  • We took a road trip to Sacramento to visit my Grandma and the rest of the family. We took my cousin Celia and baby Allegra as well, it was quite an adventure complete with dead battery and all. We did however get to eat at the biggest buffet ever. The Continental Buffet.


  • I closed my preschool after 4 years. Very bittersweet. It was a wonderful and exciting experience that I will always cherish. I made many wonderful friends and learned lots of patience.


  • We went to Florida for family vacation for 10 days. We went to Disney World, Discovery Cove, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure, Sea World, Aquatica, La Nouba Cirque du Soleil, St. Pete Beach, and to Tampa Bay for a baseball game. We saw rays vs. redsox. We called it a once in a lifetime trip.
  • Janet, Jay, Kristy and family came to visit frm Utah. They stayed for a week, we had a family reunion with Greg's Mom's Side of the family. Janet got to stay for a month. It was wonderful having her home for so long, we hadn't been able to spend so much time together since she lived here.


  • I discovered TWILIGHT! and read all 4 books in three days. It was fabulous and I shared with all my gals


  • Analisa our 8 year old chose to be baptised.
  • We sold our home and 5 acres in the country where we had lived for 7 years


  • We bought a new house after selling our old one. We now live in springfield in a new subdivision. It is a great house and it's a quiet neighborhood. We are enjoying all the perks of life in the city.
  • Greg won a trip from Lexus, for his hard work. We got to go to Cabo San Lucas. It was our first vacation without any of the kids. It was fabulous and definitely on my list of go again.
  • I went to portland for a girls weekend away to Time Out for Women. It was fun to go with friends Laura, Bonnie and sis-in-law Amy.
  • Twilight Movie opened and cousins Celia and TC joined us from out of town for a Fabulous Twilight Girls Night Out complete with Dinner, T-shirts and Midnight Showing of the movie.
  • Alejandro broke his collarbone early Thanksgiving Morning when he fell out of bed, but it wasn't diagnosed till three days later.
  • Greg got a new job! He is now the Ford Service Manager for Kendall instead of the Lexus Service Manager.

Our Family

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The first time!

My first blog! Everyone is doing it, so I should too, right? No, I just saw all the great pictures and things my friends were doing and decided I have enough time to have my own blog as well, it seems like fun and will force me to journal, or something like it. I think we'll have fun with this!